Anyone that knows me well, knows what I like to call “Professionalism Expectancy Level”
It is a derivative of “you are what you eat”. But I also have felt that in my experiences, “you are what you wear”. For me personally, I’m a fixie person. I like cute stilettos. I love trendy boutique attire. It’s just who I am as a Libra. When I feel put together I feel better about myself and I feel like my creativity isn’t bogged down.
And everyone operates at a different level. I just know this about myself and my energy.
👠 👗 💄👛👓
But the quarantine has shifted my views somewhat. And never in a million years would I have imagined taking a conference call with members of my team, to which I am in workout clothes with natural curls, no makeup on ....AND midway through the call I’m telling Sara about my new essential oil’s that just came in the mail and proceeded to put Yarrow Pom serum on.
Bless her.
She doesn’t skip a beat as I oil my face while she details her social media strategy.
This is the new normal.
These are funny times.
Times that make you realize that we’re going to come out of this quarantine better off..... and at least in my case with more youthful skin.