Today we were suppose to be on a beach in Mexico 🏖 But, the universe had other plans. Tis the season for germs, and Jack has Influenza B and his annual case of pneumonia. God love him. Welcome to VirusVille here. And then, as if one sick kiddo wasn’t enough to tug at the heart strings, Jessie’s little ones have strep. We’d thought we’d be donning flip flops and applying sunscreen. But, three littles needed their moms and instead, we are wearing face masks, administering medicine, cuddling, soothing and rewetting rags to ward off 104+ temperatures. The last 24 hours have been filled with cool showers and books on the floor. It’s been laced with tears of discomfort and lots of questions about when relief will arrive. And, I know none of those answers. Not a single one. And that’s the hardest part. For someone with such a Type A personality, it’s brutal...the not knowing part. My feed has been plagued (literally and figuratively) with sick kiddos down and out for the count. Here’s to the teachers and administrators that show up for work every day, not knowing what germ shitstorm is going to be breathed in their faces. Here’s to the medical community and first responders that are taking care of our loved ones and potentially putting their own loved ones at risk. Here’s to the employers that are like family, that are filled with so much understanding and support and “how can I help?” and “We are praying for you” kind of love. Seriously. Where would we be without all of them? And for the record, I am completely ok with never knowing the answer to that.